Monday, July 7, 2008

2 for 1, and the start of classes

I woke up at noon on Sunday, still having trouble adjusting to local time. I decided I ought to have food to eat for dinner, so I went to Sainsbury's Central, the supermarket down the street. It seems everyone in Cambridge goes to Sainsbury's. You walk down the street, and it feels like every other person has one of their trademark orange shopping bags. That, and it's crowded all day until it closes at 10pm.

My options were limited in terms of food, not because Sainsbury's lacks selection, but because of my lack of tools with which to cook. There are a microwave and hotplates available, but no pots or pans, and no oven. I therefore resolved to buy pre-prepped microwavable meals. Luckily, Sainsbury's has an entire aisle devoted to pre-prepped meals. I also bought some ham, cheese, and bread for sandwiches, and some Walkers brand crisps. I am fairly satisfied with my purchases. After all I only need to cook for one meal a night, and I imagine I'll be going out rather extensively anyway.

I returned to my room and read for a little bit, until I came to find that several classmates of mine were headed to the Cow for dinner. The Cow is a restaurant and bar that serves 2 for 1 pizza and cocktails from 5-7pm each day. That's a deal I can go for any time. There were 12 of us, so we decided to split 6 pizzas, and we each got our own cocktails. I got 2 Raspberry Collinses (Their selection consisted of rather fruity drinks). The pizza came out to be about 2 pounds per person, which I thought was a pretty good deal. Afterwards, I went back to my room for the night.

This morning I got up at about 7:45 for breakfast and then headed to my first class, "Cambridge Writers." "Time in Science and Science Fiction" is right afterwards, so I didn't even have to move between classes. They look to be rather interesting, in particular the "Time" class, as I've always had a layman's interest in such things. Furthermore, it looks as though my background in Physics will help me understand some of the concepts, at least to a certain degree. I think it'll be good.

Oh, I forgot to mention Wimbledon. As I may have said in previous posts, I have yet to find any televisions which I can reliably watch, so I didn't even see the final match, though I read about it. I had thought about going to see it in person, but the logistics of the whole thing proved to be too difficult, what with having to get up especially early on Sunday and getting to the bus and all. It was disappointing, but I got over it rather quickly.

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